Edinburgh's Interior Design Studio: Where Style Meets Function
Edinburgh's Interior Design Studio: Where Style Meets Function


I love colour, any colour and I’m not shy to use it. But it wasn’t always like this. In my teens and early twenties I was stuck in Black & White. I didn’t like colour, I don’t know why I just didn’t. So when on the last weeks class one of my students declared she doesn’t like colour I had a little smile. I liked her bravery in taking a course in interior design without liking colour and admitting it.

Now, I help people with colour in their interiors, offering colour consultations, room design and decor. Colours have such an strong impact on our enviroment, how things look and how we feel. If you feel nervous in starting to use more colour in your home. Join us to the interior design workshop and find out how you can live a more colourful life.

In the meantime I came across this…

GF Smith and their Colorplan range, along with the help of design agency Made Thought, have launched Worldsfavoritecolor.com. The site is pretty simple, asking you to register and pick your favorite colour. You simply drag the interactive cursor around the page and it changes color as you move it. You just stop your cursor once the screen turns into your favorite colour (I liked this) and submit it. The information is collected into a database and the results will be announced in July this year. They’re hoping to reach a global audience through social media. One lucky person will have their favorite color turned into a beautiful custom paper, personalized and named after them.

Click here to discover more and enter your favorite colour  into their database!
What’s  your favourite colour? You can see mine (one of mine) in the top left corner of the image.